Spotlight on Giving


IWK Foundation, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  • Critical Care Monitor
  • Stretchers for Emergency Care

Hawkesbury General Hospital, Ontario

  • TD Pilot Eye Gaze System
  • TD 1-IIO communication system for autistic children
  • Metronome equipment
  • Bobath treatment table.

Hawkesbury Hospital Press Release

Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation, Alberta

  • VitalsBridge : This equipment presents vital signs onto a real patient monitor during a simulation drill.
  • TraumaChild: A high fidelity, soft-tissue mannequin designed to teach advanced surgical skills. It simulates a five year old child. It breathes, bleeds, and comes with tissues that can be easily replaced.

Montreal Children’s Hospital, Quebec

  • Point Of Care UltraSound (POCUS) 


IWK Foundation, Halifax, Nova Scotia

  • Anesthesia Ultrasound Machine

Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Charlottetown, PEI

  • Children’s Sensory Room

Montreal Children’s Hospital, Quebec

  • Pavilion Caramel


Janeway Children’s Hospital, St. John’s, Newfoundland

  • Transesophageal Echocardiogram
  • Transcutaneous Heart Blood Monitor

Whitehorse General Hospital, Yukon

  • Pediatric medical equipment and related training

Montreal Children’s Hospital, Quebec

  • Pavilion Caramel


Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa, Ontario

  • Four beds and safety nets for the EEG lab
  • Washer /disinfector Manifolds for the medical device reprocessing unit
  • Crib Stretcher for the surgical suite

Montreal Children’s Hospital, Quebec

  • The Bumps in the Road Program


Montreal Children’s Hospital, Quebec

  • A Giraffe Incubator for the NICU